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White Wine Dark Grapes

White Wine Dark Grapes  

is a contemporary jazz/ cross over musical project with

compositions by Kaat De Windt as part of the Vooruit Sound Festival and 'Musique échanges'(Montréal) Montréal, February-May 1996 (+ international tour 1997-1998- 2000). commissioned by Wim Wabbes and the Vooruit Arts Centre, Gent.

Created with and performed by Isnelle Da Silveira, voice, Jan Rzewski, soprano sax, Véronique Delmelle, alto, bariton sax, Piet Jorens/Jean Kowalski, drums, Michel Hatzigeorgiou/Mirko Banovic, bass guitar, Ine Pisters, dramaturgy, lyrics (of some songs), Kaat De Windt, piano, compositions.

In 1996 Wim Wabbes,programmer @ Vooruit, Gent, commissioned a composition for an exchange project in between the “Vooruit Geluid Festival “ and the”Musiques Echanges” in Montréal . He advised me to meet Isnelle Da Silveira, dancer, choregrapher, singer. It was a very special and important collaboration. Not only for the 2 for us, but the meeting of the other very fine musicians that i could work with and the colloboration with Ine Pisters, for the lyrics lead to beautiful projects:  Surrounded by bassplayer Michel Hatzigeorgiou, later bassplayer Mirko Banovic joigned us , saxophonists, Véronique Delmelle and Jan Rzweski, drummers Piet Jorens, later Jean Kowalski,

White Wine Dark Grapes played concerts in Canada, Belgium and Nigeria. In 2001 we recorded our album. Unfortunately this album was never distributed after Need Records stopt existing.


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